Trademark Registration
File your Trademark registration and protect your brand. eTaxSupport provides
wide range of services from registration of trademark to filing of objection.
Trademark Registration
A trademark is a sign, design or expression which identifies a particular product or service that is different from other sources. What if someone copies or steals your design or symbol, to protect it the inventor of the design must apply for the trademark registration with the Office of Controller General of Patents Designs and Trademarks. It is a Protectable law under Indian laws and regulations. The process to obtain a trademark is a tedious so there is a need of an expert who can help you to get a trademark for your product.
eTaxsupport Trademark Experts will help you for the registration of trademark within a time limit.
Eligibility and Requirement to obtain a trademark
A person or legal entity whether he is an Indian or foreigner can apply for the trademark registration in India. A trademark application can be filed under the category of "Mark proposed to be used" if the inventor of the design or symbol wants to protect it before advertising the brand.
Before applying for the trademark registration the inventor has to understand some basic fundamentals related to trademark registration.
WIPO or World Intellectual Property Office has organized all the goods and services under 45 different categories. When the trademark application is submitted the trademark should be come under one or more category depending upon the type of business.
Documents Required
To Register for the Trademark following documents are required:
Logo, if applicable
Identity proof
Incorporation certificate
Address proof
Advantages to obtain a Trademark
You can use the symbol “R” next to your mark to put the public in notice that you have obtained a registered trademark. Legal protection for the trademark is for 10years, the owner should apply to extend the time period before the expiry date to ignore the penalty.