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Writer's pictureCA Tushar Makkar

All about MNREGA | Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme

Being a developing country, more than 68% of the total population live in rural areas and due to lack of employment opportunities people migrate to urban areas. Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005 was initiated by the Union government in 2005 in order to provide financial support to families residing in rural areas

Points covered in this article are

  1. What is MGNREGA?

  2. Objectives of MGNREGA

  3. Eligibility to apply for MGNREGA

  4. Support under Aatmanirbhar campaign

  5. How to apply for a MGNREGA job card?

  6. Necessary documents to be submitted

  7. Payment process under MGNREGA

1. What is MGNREGA?

MGNREGA is one of the largest work guarantee schemes in the world. It aims at providing a minimum of 100 days employment to unskilled labor in rural households. It addresses the chronic unemployment in India and emphasizes on 'right to work' in rural areas of India

2. Objectives of MGNREGA

This act was passed by the government to improve India's economy by eradicating poverty and unemployment in the largely populated section of India i.e, rural India. Main objectives of this act is to

● Generation of employment to rural unskilled labor for a minimum of 100 days

● Providing financial security to rural households

● Reduce migration of rural population to urban areas

● Creating and building rural infrastructure by construction of ponds, roads, wells

3. Eligibility to apply for MGNREGA

There are certain simple conditions to be satisfied to apply and work under MGNREGA

● The applicant must be citizen of India

● Must be of age 18 or above

● Must be from a rural household and application is to be sent through the respective Gram Panchayat

● The applicant must be an unskilled labour

These basic conditions are kept so that a greater number of people can avail its benefits but there are people and government officials who misuse these and make illegal profit out of it.

4. Support under the 'Aatmanirbhar' campaign

Due to the ongoing Covid-19 outbreak, many immigrant workers have returned to their native places. This has led to an increase in unemployment of unskilled labor. In order to financially support the unemployed, the Union government has allocated Rs. 40,000 crores under the Aatmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan initiative to MGNREGA. This has reportedly raised the employment rate by 84% compared to previous year

5. How to apply for an MGNREGA job card?

Job card is mandatory to work under MGNREGA. It can be availed by the workers from their Gram Panchayat. The MGNREGA initiative is directed towards the rural people; so, the registration is done offline through the help of Gram Panchayat. However, the application form can be downloaded by official NREGA website

6. Necessary documents to be submitted under MNREGA

The following documents/details are to be given in the application form

● Photographs of applicant

● Name, Age and other personal information

● Name of the village and Gram Panchayat

● Address proof such as Aadhar card/Ration card are to be given

After the application is submitted, a Job Card will be issued to the applicant before 15 days of submission.

7. Payment process under MNREGA

Payment of wages is directly made to the wage workers into their bank account. The daily wage rate has increased from Rs. 100 to Rs. 250 per day. These wage rates are same for both men and women. For the workers who do not have a bank account, new account can be created with the job card for KYC verification

8. National Rural Employment Guarantee Act App under MNREGA

The workers registered under the act can check the status of their work and payment outstanding with the help of this app. It gives statewise Gram Panchayat details. The workers get notified if there are requirement of wage workers for any project

9. Benefits of MGNREGA

This act was passed by the government to bring development in rural households of India. From the time of implementation, it has been able to bring many changes.

● Reduces chronic unemployment in rural areas

● Paying wages to daily wage workers increases their spending power and standard of living

● Growth in India's GDP

● Effective utilization of resources

● Enhances the power of Gram Panchayats and labour unions.

This act has brought about great changes in rural areas. It has reduced poverty and unemployment rate in India. With all the benefits under the act, many individuals are benefitted but there are government officials and people in village level who misuse the benefit given. Fake job cards are made and false information is given to earn money

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the nature of work given under MGNREGA?

Unskilled labour work is assigned under the act. Only daily wage labour work is given

2. What is the objective of MGNREGA?

MGNREGA aims at “enhancing livelihood security in rural areas by providing at least 100 days of guaranteed wage employment in a financial year, to every household whose adult members volunteer to do unskilled manual work”.

3. What are the main provisions under MGNREGA?

The main provisions of the act are

● Minimum of 100 days guaranteed wage work

● 1/3rd reservation for women workers

● Issue of Job Card to the individuals registered

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